During Candidature
Half -yearly Progress Report
After confirmation of title of thesis and synopsis, student need to work in association with Supervisor under guidance of the Research Advisory Committee on University approved research project.
Progress Report to be forwarded through Research Advisory Committee till submission of Final Thesis.
Two Presentations
Presentations by PhD scholar based on PhD research work in Conference/Seminar. (Presentation Certificate needed)
Research publication
At least one in peer reviewed journal (Proof of publication / acceptance needed).
Conclusion report/Draft Thesis / Final Synopsis
On completion of research work, the PhD scholar has to prepare a draft thesis (final synopsis) and submit soft copy in PDF format to the Dean of Faculty through proper channel. (After 2 ½ years for full time and 4 ½ years for part time candidate).
Recommended panel of experts from related field of research
Prior to submission of draft thesis, Supervisor shall prepare a panel of six experts as examiners in pre-PhD seminar, to evaluate written part of thesis and viva-voce. The panel must include 50% of examiners from outside the state.
Dean of Faculty shall send the recommended panel of experts with publications in related field of research along with their consent to the Vice-chancellor for approval and appointment as examiners / experts.
Pre PhD Seminar
The scholar shall be asked to deliver an open seminar before the PhD Committee in presence of Supervisor and two Experts nominated from approved panel of six experts submitted by the Supervisor.
Candidate must present the draft thesis (final synopsis) in a pre-PhD presentation at least 6 months prior to submission of final thesis for approval.
If the committee is satisfied and finds it suitable for submission as a PhD Thesis, it may advise the scholar to prepare Final Thesis for submission.
Submission of Final Thesis
The completed assigned research work will be submitted in the form of a Thesis along with originality report for plagiarism check by software to be examined by a Board of Adjudicators.Board of Adjudicators constituted (3 Examiners from the panel out of which 2 will be outside the state) for evaluation of thesis & recommendation for PhD viva-voce.
Evaluation of Thesis and Recommendation for Viva-Voce
If all the three Adjudicator’s reports recommend acceptance of the thesis, the candidate shall be eligible for oral defense.
The public viva-voce of research scholar to defend thesis will be conducted only if evaluation report of both external examiners are satisfactory and include recommendation for conducting the viva-voce examination.
Viva-voce and open defense of thesis
Board of Examiners will be constituted on approval of the Vice Chancellor with Supervisor – as Convener, External Examiner - one, Internal Examiner - one.
During Viva-voce the candidate is expected to successfully defend his / her work before public and Board of Examiners recruited for the purpose by the West Bengal University of Health Sciences to become eligible for award of PhD degree.
Approval of PhD Award & Depository with UGC
The Board of Examiners under Chairmanship of the Dean of the concerned Faculty shall give final recommendations for the award of the PhD degree on the basis of performance in the viva-voce examination and the Examiners’ Report.
The result of the viva-voce and defence of thesis after approval by the Vice-Chancellor shall be reported to PhD Committee and Academic Council.
Before announcement of award of PhD degree, the University shall submit an electronic copy of the PhD thesis to the INFLIBNET, for hosting the same to make it accessible to all institutions/ colleges prior to the actual award of degree.
Award of PhD degree in Health Sciences
After fulfilling all the requirements prescribed in the regulations, the degree shall be awarded namely PhD in Health Sciences.
The degree certificate shall include name of the subject / discipline concerned / field of specialization, if any and name of concerned Faculty