
Sl. No. Form Title Download
1. No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Employer
2. No objection Certificate (NOC) from Place of Research Work
3. Consent Form (Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor)
4. Proforma for Submission of Research Proposal
5. Application for Recognition as Supervisor for Phd Program
6. Proforma for Half Yearly Progress Report ( For Ph.D. Scholars registered Before 2022)
7. Proforma for Half Yearly Progress Report (For Ph.D. Scholars registered in 2022 or Later)
8. Proforma for Presentation of Research Paper
9. Proforma for Details Publications
10. Proforma for Proposed Panel of Examiners
11. Checklist for Pre-Submission Seminar
12. Thesis submission form
13. Student approval form
14. Supervisor certificate for exclusion of self published work
15. Declaration of the applicant
16. Declaration of authorship
17. Certificate of Originality
18. Adjudicators profiles
19. Ph.D. Evaluation sheet
20. Check list for open defence(Viva)
21. Guidelines for submission of consolidated report
22. MSP for Award of PhD Degree