Belarani Institute of Nursing
Beside N.H.-60, Vivekanandanagar, P.O.- Damodarbati, P.S.- Onda, Dist. – Bankura, Pin-722144

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Sourav Choudhury 9475336531 Institute Contact Person - Falguni Nandi 9732191767 Institute type -Private InstitutionAbout the Institution
Belarani institute of Nursing established in the year 2021 offers diploma and graduate programs in nursing to meet the diverse needs of the health care sector. Qualified and experienced full-time faculty provides the right makes of inputs comprising of theoretical practical and clinical experience. All programs are recognized by the both Indian Nursing Council and West Bengal Nursing Council. Nursing training programs have been formulated in consulting with experts adhering to standards and guidelines. Hands on training is given to the students at well-equipped parent hospital, government hospitals as well as in allied urban and rural health centers. Nursing students attend OPD sessions and words in the hospital. Students visit different place under community connect and provide primary health services. Students actively participates in health awareness programs. Students regularly interact with faculty members doctors and students of medical College to hone their technical and managerial Skills and groomed as competent nurses. Students have access to study materials in different form such as books, research journals, magazines, newspapers and eBooks at our well-furnished library.
Courses offered
B. Sc. (Nursing)
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